Cubo RUBIK'S 3X3
Cubo RUBIK'S 3X3
El rompecabezas más famoso del mundo sigue siendo el rompecabezas más vendido de todos los tiempos. Miles de millones de combinaciones, una sola solución. El cubo de Rubik continúa desafiando a jóvenes y mayores por igual. Si bien tiene 43 quintillones de movimientos posibles, se puede resolver en increíblemente pocos movimientos. La acción de giro única y el concepto de color simple hacen del cubo el rompecabezas número 1 del mundo.
The world's most famous puzzle is the still the best selling puzzle of all time. Billions of combinations, only one solution. The Rubik's Cube continues to challenge young and old alike. While it has 43 quintillion possible moves, it can be solved in incredibly few moves. The unique turning action and simple color concept make the Cube the world's #1 puzzle.
The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik; he wanted a working model to help explain three-dimensional geometry. It took him one month before he was able to solve the Cube for himself. Over 350 million Rubik’s Cubes have been sold worldwide – making it is one of the bestselling toy of all time. The Rubik’s Cube has been tantalizing and enchanting people for over 40 years!